sunnuntai 18. tammikuuta 2015

Kyoko Sakura wig and makeup test part.1

Hello dears! I get my Kyoko Sakura wig last Friday and I decided to test her make up and also look how the wig looks on my head. Well, where I would start?

The wig is amazing! It is really good quality and really thick. I'm very happy 'cause this is my first ponytail-wig. I love the wig's color, shape and how I feel it on my hand. Even it's quite back heavy (heavier than my Toph Beifong -wig) it still stays in it places where it should and bobby pins helps a lot.
And wig was cutted already when i get it which was great because I'm not so great wig editor than someone others can be. And even my forehead is quite long, bangs were just the right length.

For makeup I'm also quite pleased. Only around my eyes is maybe too much red eyeshadow, so that is what I will change for my actual costume. And all what I used to do this makeup is matte foundation, powder, eyeshadow and mascara. Eyeshadow was funny to use as blush and to eyebrows. But I think it worked very well so I will use that technique for my cosplay too. (But the real blush I will buy later).

And here you can see how long my ponytail part actually is. My height is about 180cm and still it cover my butt.



And now I want to tell you something about my Kaitou Jeanne wig which I order from the same seller than this Kyoko wig. It were so thin so I really need a other wig to combine it to get more volume and everything. So my cosplay competition plans for Tampere Kuplii changes now and I will go to the competition with my Kyoko cosplay! (All this because my wig was a mess.) And you guys will see my Kaitou Jeanne cosplay in Desucon next summer! 

4 kommenttia:

  1. Näyttääpä peruukki todella kauniilta ja hyvältä! Leikkaus on kaunis ja tuo pitkä osa näyttää jotenkin niin... hyvinvoivalta!

    Ja harmittaa todella paljon tuo Kaitou Jeannen peruukki... miten peruukki voikin pilata kaikki suunnitelmat! Mutta onneksi sulla vaan viivästytti sitä : )

    1. joo itsekkin olin erittäin yllättynyt kyoko-peruukista :3 ja tuo ponnari osa jopa tuntuu kivalta ja 'hyvinvoivalta' vaikka siitä tuppo kuituja lähtikin harjatessa sitä. :D

      Toivottavasti tuon Kaitoun peruukin kanssa onnistun, ei se peruukkien yhdeistäminen niin vaikeaa voi olla :D

  2. Hii, kannustan sua sit kisassa ihan täpöllä el ise ketä huutaa kaikista kovemmin niin oon mä <3 xDD Ite panikoin kisan suhteen, sillä kumminkin mul menee joku pieleen omalta osaltani ;__;

    1. Haha ihanaa <3 mäkin stressaan puvun valmistumista, kun palkka tulee vasta kuun vaihteessa ja sitten pääsen vasta tuota tekemään D: joten tyydyn ompelemaan Yakumon pukua (Y)
